Dempsey Ewan is a graphic designer living in Brooklyn. In her free time she moonlights as a floral designer and helps run a risograph zine, Big Mess. She enjoys classical works of fiction, art history, and fresh McDonald’s hashbrowns.




Look to Michigan — University of Michigan Vision Campaign
With the advent of a new president, the University of Michigan asked us to help them build a campaign centered around the idea of Impact at Scale.

As an exemplary public university, they wanted to visually and verbally express what the next decade will bring in terms of further education, groundbreaking discoveries, and equitable impact.

Michigan’s vision for their future centered around this idea of impact that is always in progress. Inspired by this idea, we created a system visualizing the creative process itself. Collage vignettes honor the vision and process that bring about innovation. Pushing the collages one step beyond the expected, I created dimension with  color fills where elements overlapped, representing the way an idea slowly comes into focus as it is being developed. An abstracted M is seen as a yellow line that ties everything together and embodies the energy and impact of the institution always uniting and pushing forward. Other elements like the bold type and halftone texture bring through the idea of scale as well as nodding to the state’s legacy of industry and invention.
University of Michigan

︎︎︎ Creative Concept
︎︎︎ Identity

Senior Designer

Campaign Print Piece

Micro Site

Campus Environmentals

Micro + Macro: Pin + Backdrop

Created at: SimpsonScarborough
Collaborators: Jason Shough, Jason Gonzales

Thank You