Dempsey Ewan is a graphic designer living in Brooklyn. In her free time she moonlights as a floral designer and helps run a risograph zine, Big Mess. She enjoys classical works of fiction, fashion history, and fresh, McDonald’s hashbrowns.



BIG MESS is a short-form periodical published by myself and my brother Nigel Ewan as an off-shoot of our printing business, Clatter Press. The first issue was released in Spring of 2020. BIG MESS’s mission is to grow Columbus’ risograph printing scene and to familiarize the art and design community with all that riso printing can do. It is our love letter riso printing and the beauty and range of this strange medium. 

Each issue centers around a single-word theme we select for its ambiguity. We work with contributors to hone their submission idea then layout the issue and handle the specific pre-press needs of printing the issue via risograph. 

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